Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid Before Going to Bed

Your night’s sleep is really important. It influences the quality of your entire life. Improve your habits and you’ll be able to enjoy a better night’s sleep.

Passionflower Tea: a cup of passionflower tea before bed guarantees that your sleep will be calm and relaxing. The tea contains the Harman alkaloids. They induce sleepiness and falling asleep becomes much easier. Passionflower tea is good for those who are in constantly in stress.

Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid Before Going to Bed Passionflower Tea

The Worst Foods to Eat Before Sleep

Milk Chocolate: this food is one of the worst to eat before bed. It contains theobromine working as a stimulant. Wait till the next day and eat a couple of teaspoons of natural honey instead.

Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid Before Going to Bed Milk Chocolate