You Need To Eat Less To Live Longer

Everyone knows that to live long, you need to eat healthy food, and do exercises. This is true, but boring. I decided gathering a collection of less routine.

20 Healthy Fast Foods

Burgers, tacos, pizza – find out which of your fast-food favorites aren’t so bad after all. Our list includes picks from KFC, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, plus healthy fast-food desserts.

4 Barbecue Diet Tips

Being on a diet doesn’t mean one must willingly starve! It’s quite possible to enjoy a tasty barbeque while not getting fat. You will just need to bring the proper food to grill!

Tips to Control and Reduce Sweat

There is no problem in keeping your cool even when the weather is very hot if you follow these wetness-fighting secrets.

5 Ways To Get Rid Of The Winter Stress

Brandi Eszlinger

No wonder that after a long winter, the human body is harassed physically and psychologically. However, the only one thing which will quickly make your body feel better, is Summer. During the summer is necessary to fill every day of you life with positive emotions and bright emotions.

Beat Stress in Less Than Half an Hour


Stop bugging your family or colleagues. There is no need to stuff your face with junk food either! What you might really find useful and far more effective is constructive thinking, or, in other words, mindful meditation.

Be Sure To Avoid 6 Things Before Going To Bed

If you are constantly tossing and turning during sleep and you do not get a good sleep, it threatens the negative consequences for your body. Poor sleep can lead to weight gain and immunocompromised.

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