The Foods to Avoid and Opt for Before Bedtime

You are supposed to wake up well-rested. If you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted and tired, it is very probably that you lack energy.

Salmon or Oily Fish: serotonin is released when you provide your body with sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish, especially oily kinds, contains these acids. When your brain produces serotonin and releases it, you feel less stressed and more relaxed. Eat oily fish in moderation before bedtime.

The Foods to Avoid and Opt for before Bedtime Salmon

The Wrong Foods to Eat Before Bedtime

Caffeine: Avoid energy drinks. They are full of sugars, caffeine and chemicals. Also, you should not drink teas and coffee that contain caffeine before going to bed. Energy drinks contain taurine. This element raises alertness and increases blood pressure. It is good if you stop drinking the mentioned beverages after 3 p.m.

The Foods to Avoid and Opt for before Bedtime Caffeine