10 People Foods That Should Not Be Given To Cats

Pet owners often notice that their pets prefer the food for people to that which is made for pets. We often see a dog sitting under the dinner table and begging for food.

7. Fat Trimmings
Some fat is ok but we, people, sometimes give too much of fat trimmings to cats without realizing how dangerous lard is. Besides stomach problems fat may cause diarrhea and vomiting. It is always better to give your feline food that was specially formulated for cats.

8. Bones
The most dangerous food to give to your cat would be bones. Bones are not toxic yet they may cause serious problems, such as bowel obstructions and internal lacerations. Cats can also choke on raw bones. Poultry bones should also be avoided. Bones covered with grease will definitely cause intestinal and digestive problems which will result in your cat having diarrhea or vomiting.