3. Go to the direct source
Chanel purses and Louis Vuitton handbags are always real if you buy them from the fashion house. That’s a 100% guarantee that you are purchasing a real item instead of a copy. However, there’re plenty of online shoppers who give their preference to online stores. Unfortunately, some sites sell secondhand items. You can also be sold a fake that is made so well that it can mislead even the professionals.
4. Logos
How branding is executed tell it all about the item. Designer goods cannot have any sorts of inconsistencies. Designer items always come with special logos. The manufacturer engraves and positions logos in some certain areas. For example, since 2002 Rolex has been etching a tiny crown. The symbol is almost invisible but you can find it at the 6 o’clock position. Earlier models of the watch did not have this kind of logo to prove authenticity. Very small and accurate details cannot be made by counterfeiters.