5 Places Where Swimmers Should Never Go

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There are several places where swimming is not recommended. It is sometimes risky and dangerous to swim. In order to avoid possible dangers, please get familiar with the list provided below. Before you book a trip to any of the destinations, think well and analyze all pros and cons of those areas. All places are beautiful, but not all of them are safe.

Lake Karachay, Russia

If the above mentioned lakes are dangerous because of their natural environment and all those dangers are not caused by people, then Lake Karachay is an absolutely different story. This lake is situated in Russia and is known as the deadliest spot on our planet. The level of radiation is outrageous and staying around the lake for longer than half an hour can kill you. Forty years ago the lake served as a dumping ground. It was used to bury nuclear waste. Later on people realized the tragedy and since 1990 there have been attempts to save the place. People placed concrete blocks in the lake hoping that the blocks will absorb the radiation. How successful their plan is would be hard to predict at present.

5 Places Where Swimmers Should Never Go Lake Karachay Russia

River Nile

Africa’s climate is truly unique. Its environment is not less interesting. The flora and fauna are some of the richest on the planet. This can be dangerous at times, especially if we are talking about the Nile and the creatures living in its waters. One such creature is the Nile crocodile. This predator is constantly waiting for its next victim and prey. Swimming in the Nile is the worst idea. 

5 Places Where Swimmers Should Never Go River Nile

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