3. You cannot be a good employee if you are unhappy and tense. Your family suffers too. When your mind is free you can perform at 200 percent. You are useless as a worker if your body does not feel great. You lose balance and harmony if you experience too much stress, perform a lot of demanding routine and constantly take responsibilities. Take care of yourself. Make sure that your well-being does not suffer.
4. Have a richer life if you want to be a better leader. We all want to excel in our profession. We want to be in charge even at home. We like to be appreciated by the community. Being such a person requires several important qualities. To gain the required qualities you must have a multi-dimensional personality. Besides work you should travel, learn languages, participate in charities and volunteer. The more new activities you practice, the more chances you have to become a better leader. Be a mentor, inspire others and do what you would like others to do.