5 Tips and Hints: Beneficial Properties of a Banana Peel

Do you really think that banana peels are useless? Then think again! Banana peels can be used in a few interesting ways. Here are some of them:

Do you really think that banana peels are useless? Then think again! Banana peels can be used in a few interesting ways. Here are some of them:

1. Banishing Bugs

Garden bugs will not bother you ever again. If you are sick and tired of aphids and would love to finally get rid of them, this tip is right for you. You will not need to waste money on sprays and there is no need to apply harsh methods that involve hazardous chemicals. Just cut up a banana peel and place the pieces in several holes around your plants that are infested with aphids. 

2. Fertilizing Tomatoes

Save some banana peels if you intend to grow tomatoes. Tomatoes (as well as any other types of plants and flowers) like the right proportion of minerals, vitamins and other nutritious compounds that banana peels are rich in. Experiences gardeners claim that your tomatoes will grow strong and healthy if you wrap banana peels around the stems at the very base of the plant. Another way to use banana peels in the garden is to roast them and then insert the chips in the soil where your plants grow.

5 Tips and Hints Beneficial Properties of a Banana Peel Fertilizing Tomatoes