5 Toxic Elements That Turn Your Home into a Dangerous Place

You want to feel safe and secure in your own house or apartment. However, it is possible only if you do not keep the following products on your shelves:

3. Antibacterial Soap

Triclosan is one of the main ingredients that antibacterial soaps contain. It is an antimicrobial chemical that kills bacteria. The bad thing about this compound is that triclosan disrupt hormone levels. It also influences the thyroid and how it functions. All sorts of antibacterial chemicals have harmful properties and promote the development of bacteria.

Solution: Use regular soap and warm water. This old-fashioned method is effective enough. Hand sanitizers that are alcohol-based are less harmful than antibacterial soaps. Just pick the brands that do not contain triclosan.

5 Toxic Elements That Turn Your Home into a Dangerous Place Antibacterial Soap
Gina Smith / Shutterstock.com

4. Synthetic Fragrances

Look around and you’ll see that you keep dozens of products with synthetic fragrances. They are really common in our houses. They can be found in washing powder, fabric softeners, cleaning products, scents, candles and so on. To avoid the mentioned stuff is not that simple. However, we should try and find a way out.

Solution: If possible, replace scented products with their unscented options. This includes soaps and various detergents. Do not use deodorizer and freshener. They do not make the air clean. They ruin your lungs and cause serious issues with your respiratory system.

5 Toxic Elements That Turn Your Home into a Dangerous Place Synthetic Fragrances

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