6 Activities That You Can Practice Instead of Exercise

Stay active without going to the gym and paying for your membership. You can keep in shape without monotonous workout sessions.

5. Hiking

Hiking is less effective than swimming. However, this activity burns approximately 350 calories per hour. Besides the obvious weight loss you will gain more benefits from this type of exercise. You will breathe fresh air, stay outside and enjoy the nature. Take your friends and family – we’re sure they’ve been waiting for new adventure. Let all of you have fun walking, talking and coping with difficulties, such as rough terrains and elevations, hills and bushes.

6 Activities That You Can Practice Instead of Exercise Hiking

6. Sex

Let your boyfriend do his job – make him make love to you more often. Not only will he lose weight, he will also improve your current relationship and bond. Harmony between you two should be both outside and inside the bedroom. Have fun together and play porn stars! Why not? You are young, helthy and strong enough to last a night. Sex is a wonderful way to keep in shape. Do it regularly and burn those stubborn pounds. When there is enough sex, you do not need food. We eat out of boredom and routine. Make your life more vibrant and colorful by changing your attitude to your love life and sex. Include massages – they are relaxing and stimulating at the same time. This tip is wonderful. We promise you will never regret following our advice. Whether you prefer slow sex or something more intensive makes you happy – the point is to start doing it rather than complaining that your life is not as exciting as it used to be when you first met. Make it better right now!

6 Activities That You Can Practice Instead of Exercise Sex

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