6 Reasons Why Your Life Should Not Revolve Around Money

You cannot get anything for free. Nowadays people buy and sell almost everything. Our era is also called the era of consumerism. Wherever you go you see advertisements and hear commercials offering you to try this and that.

3. Money does not equal happiness
You might sometimes mistakenly think that all you need to be totally happy is more money. Actually, you would not be happy if you had more cash. Do not forget that money buys material things, but happiness is not sold. The real joy of life lies in your family, children, friends – all the things that involve moral values. Money will make you feel satisfied, not happy. Besides, satisfaction lasts only for a short time. Once you get used to what you have you start wishing for more. Learn to live on money that is enough to cover your basic needs.

Money does not equal happiness

4. Money cannot make you healthy
When we are talking about health we mean 4 spheres: mental, spiritual, psychological and physical health. You will probably agree that making big money requires more effort, you go through stress and tension at work. You get less sleep at night. You feel more and more responsible and cannot relax. This damages your physical as well as psychological state. Why keep making money while losing health? Do not overwork. This will bring you negative emotions and experience.

Money cannot make you healthy

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