5. Get the best things for free
Only children know what fun is. And it’s time for us, adults, reconsider our priorities! Kids appreciate games, cartoons, playing outside… All those activities can be obtained for free. When we grow up we think we cannot entertain ourselves if we do not pay for it. There are a lot of fun things to do and enjoy that do not require any finance. You can invite your best friend over and have a conversation. Spending a couple of hours outside is also great. And it makes no difference what the weather outside is. Staying at home and reading a book or watching your favorite movie – do whatever makes you happy.
6. Love is never on sale
We sometimes believe that if we have money, we can have all we want. There will always be someone who will try to prove that even love can be purchased. Do not believe those people. Love as well as loyalty an sincerity cannot be bought. Rich people attract others. Trust us, once they bankrupt and lose their money all those who now surround them will leave them. True friendship includes devotion 24/7. You are lucky if you are loved for your personality rather than your wealth. There is a lot that the Bible teaches us about money. Read it or talk to genuine believers and church-goers to find out what true Love is.
Do not become the slave of your own money. Be independent and learn to find joy in what you already own. Appreciate life, people you work with, family and closest friends and relatives.