6 Things Scientists Suggest We Should Do To Stay Constantly Happy

Happiness is an abstract subject. What true happiness is can be discussed forever. But are there are common rules to follow to learn to stay happy all the time?

3. Making notes of positive things
Be thankful for whatever you have achieved in your life. There are always good things in everybody’s life. Focus only on what makes you happy. Make notes of nice events that have happened and feel grateful for what life has given to you. The fact is that our brain cannot get rid of bad thoughts immediately, however, researchers have proved that what might help is if we start concentrating on positivity rather than on negativity.

4. Practicing mindfulness
Researcher Matt Killingsworth working in Harvard University has carried our experiments in which around 15,000 people took part and proved that in order to stay happy we need to realize every minute of our life. We should not miss the moments when we feel happiest. When we are mindful, we prolong our happiness, trying to memorize and later on remember that moment with pleasure. Do not let your mind wander and distract you from positive thinking. Finally, the expert also recommends we forget about negative past experience and look forward to the future.

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