6 Ways How Your Job Is Killing You Step By Step

Paul Mayne

It doesn’t matter if your life is just work or your work is all your life, remember about some terrible by-effects.

3. It’s wrong for your back. And shoulders. And neck.
Standing position during the whole day is even worse than sitting. It causes different back problems. People who stand at work are more unprotected from poor blood circulation, back pain, swelling in the limbs. According to the statistics such symptoms appear more frequently among those people who stand than who sit at work. If you sit in front of the computer not in a straight right position you can obtain chronic problems with your back, shoulders, neck and wrists. (Read the rules of putting your desk for the maximum comfort and health benefit here).

4. It’s influencing badly on your sight.
There is such a term as “Computer Vision Syndrome”. It means a disorder when you have some problems with your vision after a long period of computer usage without breaks. This state starts from feeling of pain and dryness in eyes, headache, then in addition a person has neck and shoulders pain, a blurred picture in front of the eyes. Fortunately, these symptoms are temporary in general. For preventive measures have a short rest from your computer display once an hour or more frequently.

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