5. Lion Air
In the past 10 years Lion Air has experiences lots of fatalities and over eight atrocious incidents. The records are rather pessimistic at the moment. However, the good news is the number of casualties is relatively low. A few years ago, in 2012 it was revealed that some of the crew members and pilots might have used illegal drugs. That was the reason why the company’s planes were blacklisted. In 2015 the government froze more than 53 of the company’s flights.
6. SCAT Airline
This company is not allowed to enter the European airspace. SCAT Airlines has been audited but it was detected by the ICAO that the company does not submit to special requirements. We still remember the accident when a couple of dozens of people died during a flight organized by this operator. There have been plenty of less serious accidents. The operator is still offering flight without having an international safety certificate.