5. Spaceport America, New Mexico
It is surprising how much the human race has achieved. No doubt we will soon fly to space as tourists. We already have a spaceport that looks as futuristic as our whole notion of the universe. This is the first commercial spaceport that has launched 12 missions so far. The tenants are the world’s famous spaceflight companies, such as Armadillo Aerospace, UP Aerospace and Virgin Galactic.

6. West 57, New York City
The full address of this building is 625 West 57th Street. It is also called W57 In short. This residential block was still under construction in 2014 and was reported to be completed in 2015. The huge housing project is located in New York. From the outside the building reminds of a pyramid while inside you can find 600 apartments with balconies providing a wonderful view of the surroundings. Another advantage is that it is built in a comparatively quiet area, where there is not too much traffic and air pollution.