6 Alternatives for Romantic Phrases To Encourage Your Partner

The three words “I love you” we say to our beloved mean a lot. They are full of feelings and emotions. We should say this kind of phrases more often, because expressing your true feelings toward someone special is truly important.

5. “You are handsome”
You might at first think that this kind of expression is too shallow and primitive. We don’t judge books by their cover, do we? Well, the truth is that we do pay attention to people’s appearance. If you see that your man looks good, then why not tell him that he is attractive? Men need to know that they are desired. He might have his own style. Maybe he knows how to dress smartly. Finally, he probably goes to the gym and works out… Whatever your partner does to improve his looks it is a positive thing. So, be nice and tell him that he is good looking.


6. “You are so talented”
Talents and skills are all our strengths. How good is he at cooking? Maybe your man loves gardening or taking pictures while travelling? Or, which is even more important, he is a professional who knows his job better than anyone else! No doubt there are plenty of activities he is good at – that’s why you love that person. Acknowledge his talents and tell him that what he does makes you happy and means a lot to you.

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