5. The fake, the formal, and the famous
People say that opposites attract. Maybe that’s true and we find someone totally different to us so that to make up for what we lack. Sometimes we find a perfect reflection of ourselves. People who surround us are usually of the same level. We avoid competition and those who are smarter, better looking or richer than us. Why so? That’s because of our inferiority complex. We do not want to look worse or less fortunate compared to our surrounding. We do not want to be friends with those who are of a much lower intellectual or social level either. You are lucky if you have learned to deal with people of various ages, interests and social status around you.
6. The selfishness quotient
Only in childhood people have true friends who like you without any special reason. When we grow up we usually mix with people whom we need. It sounds selfish, but that’s the fact. We meet first and only then, if we click, we become closer. Some of the useful people stay strangers anyways. Others turn into friends. We need each other which makes us communicate. But there is no guarantee that those we communicate with are our buddies. The more powerful or richer you become, the greater number of people you will find around you. If you suffer a failure, chances are most of them will give up on you. Here is the point to have quality relationship. Stop counting how many friends you have. Think whether those people are reliable. Do they like you for your social status, job, money, influence? Or do they admire your personality and character? Stay yourself, be sincere and open to people. This will attract your equal.