6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Entertained While Travelling

When on a road trip, use the tips below to entertain you children. Kids are inventive and love it when they are given various tasks. Develop their mental abilities and have fun while travelling.

3. License Plate Lingo

Teach your kids a cool game: let them select cars and read the license plates. What they do next is they take turns in explaining the meaning of the letters. For example, “KTC” might stand for “Keep The Change”. The game can be turned into a contest. The winner is the one who is capable of thinking of the funniest explanation. If you have never played this game, you cannot even suspect of how imaginative and creative children might be! They will come up with something you would have never thought they could!

6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Entertained While Travelling License Plate Lingo

4. Last Word Game or The Quiet Game 

Games can be very different. Try out various ideas. For instance, you can try and let your children play a game that is not noisy at all. Quiet games are not less interesting. Last word game is one of such entertainment activities. We all remember how we argued back and forth in the childhood. Turn it into a game – “I could” or “I could not” (or any other phrase your kids pick) should be pronounced as soft as possible. The idea is to win by being able to say the kids’ chosen phrase in such a soft manner that the other person would completely miss it. The outbursts that are too loud lose the contest for the one who makes them.

6 Tips to Keep Your Kids Entertained While Travelling Last Word Game or The Quiet Game

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