6 Sort of Men Who Do Not Deserve Your Attention

Thousands of women are in search of their Prince Charming. Consider yourself lucky if you’re happily married. Congratulations if you have finally found your Mr. Right!

3. Mr. Presents 

We ladies love gifts. But what if the man you are dating won’t propose to you even after years of seeing you? Think well before you decide to continue with him. What is it your Mr. Presents is trying to replace with giving you presents? How sincere is he in what he’s doing for you? He takes you with him on trips abroad; he buys you perfume and jewelry. No doubts all those gifts are hard to resist. But what if this is all you’re going to get from him? That doesn’t sound too promising, does it?

6 Types of Men Who You Shouldnt Waste Your Time On Mr Presents

4. Mr. Compares 

Mr. Compares can hardly get over his past relationships. He’ll always be comparing you with his exes. No lady deserves this kind of treatment. You deserve to be respected. No woman wants to hear about another woman from her man’s past. There’s no use trying to break his old ugly habit – simply leave him and find someone who will accept you without looking back. There’s no future if one of you is always returning back to his past.

6 Types of Men Who You Shouldnt Waste Your Time On Mr Compares

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