7 Most Disgusting Things We Do For Our Beloved

Elvis Presley couldn’t “help falling in love”. How low do we sometimes fall to prove how committed we are to someone?

3. Empty the cat’s litter.
Do you hate cats? Who cares! If, let’s say, your wife is pregnant, you will do all possible to make your feel happier. Expecting a baby is always an exciting event for the couple. If taking care of a cat’s poo is a big deal and causes problems then how about your baby’s poo and vomit? You do want to be a good husband and dad, don’t you? Then practice on your cat for a while! Try and learn to tolerate or even like doing what you have hated so far. After all, your wife is going through hard times as well. Appreciate it because she is doing it for you, too.

4. Clean up vomit.
Cleaning up your baby’s vomit is one thing. But what if the “baby” is around your own age? Well, then that’s a different story. No doubt cleaning this nasty stuff up is no fun, but you realize that when your spouse is sick you are the only person around to help him or her out.

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