3. Lack of Trust
Without trust there is no future. Your relationship cannot be considered successful if you doubt or do not believe each other. Relationships can be healthy only if you are strong enough and when you have enough self-confidence to proceed. Once you feel fear, you may jeopardize your long-distance relationship. Be wise and do not freak out if you see obstacles and problems. If both of you really want to be with each other, you will always find a way out. Trust in yourself and your partner is what you need to resolve your issues.
4. Prelude to a Breakup
Some couples are dedicated to their long-distance contacts. They maintain their relationships and do all possible to keep it strong. How strong is yours? If you feel it is faltering, think why this is happening. Writing letters, making frequent phone calls, messaging and even meeting in person cannot save a relationship in some certain instances. As a rule, it’s very common of a partner who has agreed to move and change his or her living place to try and break up the relationship. It’s a psychological moment and people might behave unpredictably in such situations.