7 Things Men Do Not Know About Their Women

There are some certain things that women do not tell their partners. No matter how talkative the lady is, there are still secrets she does not want to reveal. The man’s mission is to find them out in order to understand his woman better.

5. Women want to be liked by your friends
Do not expect a woman to say that she wants her man’s friends to be of good opinion about her. She does care what his friends think of her. More than that, she wants that opinion to be positive. It is not that bad, actually. It helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts or arguments. Sometimes what friends think may influence the man’s decision about the lady. Of course it depends how close those friends are and how long he has known them. If they are childhood friends it is very likely that the man will listen to their advice.

6. Women need privacy
Privacy does not mean anything negative. It only suggests that from time to time a woman wants to stay on her own. Men should simply let her do what she wants or needs to do. Do not feel offended if your girlfriend or wife asks you to let her spend some time without you.

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