5. Conversation with the teacher
Go to school and meet your children’s teachers. Introduce yourself and make them know that you are not indifferent to what is going on in your kid’s life. Talk to the teachers and ask what you can do to make your child a better pupil. Listen to the teachers attentively and be part of the solution if any kind of problem exists. Do not avoid unpleasant conversations. It is natural that all we want to hear about our kids should be positive. However, reality is different and some kids are naughty and require more attention. It is wise to know who your child’s friends are. Do they make good influence on him? Or are they weak students at school themselves? If you are sure that your child’s friends give him a negative example, you should convince your child that he deserves better relationships.
6. Being part of your child’s school life
It is really important to get involved into your child’s school life. If you demonstrate that you are interested, your children will appreciate it and will start sharing their daily experiences with you. Good relationship with teachers is also essential. Those are people who spend a great deal of time with your child and know him very well. Attend meetings, become a member of a parent-teacher association and so on.