Getting Married In Summer? How Not To Make Your Perfect Day A Disaster

Listen to our tips to make your wedding day perfect!

Hot Weather
Extreme high temperature can ruin your plans as well as the rain. It can be truly painful to understand that your wedding will be humid and sweaty. Even if you organized an outdoor party, be sure you have some place for tired and hot guests to cool themselves down. You know that today summer heat can be really unbearable.

Makeup Melting
Humid air and sunlight can affect your beautiful bridal makeup badly, so do every step you can to protect your face from being ruined. Waterproof professional mascara and lipstick is cool enough, but to be sure you can use some setting spray. When you have them on, you can just take the sweat off with paper towel and remove oil with special tampons with your makeup undisturbed. Powder on a hot day is restricted – in 10 minutes your makeup would become a mess. Also don’t put on sunglasses – this accessory can leave ugly “dent” on your nose.

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