It is surprising how few genuine friends we have in our lives. The more mature we become the more difficult it becomes to find new friends.
Every day we meet new people, change jobs and meet new colleagues and make new acquaintances. But do most of these acquaintances turn into friendships? Hardly. Now the question is: What should we do to make new friend that will later on become really close people who are truly dear to us? Let us consider the following aspects:
1. Virtual relationships
Times have changed. Now it takes a click to see your friend living abroad. We use numerous messengers, video cams and microphones to communicate with people. Virtual relationships have already replaced the real stuff. We play virtual games, tag each other, invite our contacts to join this or that community, share links and participate in various online forums. But are these activities enough to maintain our friendships? Let us call this kind of communication superficial, because relationships is a complex process that requires time and intimacy, personal interaction and warmth that only “face-to-face” communication can provide. So the first reason why we have fewer friends is that we have replaced them with pixels.
Fortunately, it all depends on us and we can change the situation. Visiting friends is great. Do it from time to time, invite them to your place. It is not necessary to meet very often, but do not restrict yourself to messengers and sms. Once you meet new people try to do all possible to make them feel special. Be the first to demonstrate that you are interested in their personalities.
2. Lack of time
We are in a constant hurry. We keep finding excuses and say that we have no time. This is partly the fact – nowadays people are really busy: jobs, families, children…The speed of life is so crazy that by the end of the day all we want to do is to passively spend our spare time watching TV or sleeping instead of going out to visit friends.
How do we solve the problem? The answer is: relax if you feel that this is all you need. Maybe this is the time when all you need is silence. There is no wrong in enjoying solitude.