How to Tell Whether Your Designer Purses and Bags Are Fake or Not

The market offers a whole range of bags, purses and other beautiful accessories. Dishonest sellers will always try to make you pay big money for counterfeit goods.

How to Spot a Fake Hermès Bag

Hermès has constantly been fighting with counterfeiters. Thanks to the company’s efforts now it is relatively easy to spot a fake Hermès handbag. First, the brand never attached paper tags to the goods. The Kelly and Birkin style are manufactured with a key set and engraved lock. The lock has the logo Hermès printed on the bottom. The key and the lock will have a matching number on them, too. In addition, metal nameplates are never used by Hermès, but fake Hermès handbags are likely to have this detail. Of course, do not believe those who say that “Vintage Birkin” exists – they were first made in 1984.

How to Tell Whether Your Designer Purses and Bags Are Fake or Not hermes
Everett Collection /

How to Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag

Louis Vuitton is every girl’s dream. It’s one of the most popular brands. We all want to own a Louis Vuitton handbag in our collection! This is what makes it so attractive to counterfeiters as well. Here is what you should pay your attention to if you want to purchase a real Louis Vuitton handbag. First, the brand prints a perfectly round shape of the O’s in the name while counterfeits come with oval O’s. The company pays great care of the placement of its monogram. As a rule, it is totally symmetrical from side to side. Do not be surprised to see upside down “LVs” if the style belongs to Speedy. This is because the manufacturer uses one continuous piece of material that wraps the bag from the front to the back. Not all Louis Vuitton handbags are produced in France. If you see “Made in USA”, it does not necessarily mean you are offered a fake bag. Finally, check out whether the bag you are about to pay for really exists. The problem is that there’re too many fake colors and styles of Louis Vuitton.

How to Tell Whether Your Designer Purses and Bags Are Fake or Not LV

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