7 Rejuvenating Super Foods

Did you even know that there are plenty of foods that can instantly make you look and feel younger?

5. Oily fish
Fish, such as salmon and tuna, are oily and rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They are the best source of youth and health. These fish have a wide range of omega-3 fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, is one of them. This acid helps to produce and maintain collagen, hence your skin stays firm. Also it acts like an anti-inflammatory agent and helps to avoid skin cancer. Salmon and tuna are said to help against cardiovascular and other age-related diseases. The American Heart Association recommends eating oily fish two times per week. Salmon and tuna have a low concentration of mercury, so you should give your preference to them over any other.

6. Cucumbers
Eating these hydrating vegetables is another way to stay looking and feeling young and vigorous. Rich in silicia, cucumbers help your connective tissues, joints, and bones. Also, these vegetables help to prevent wrinkles and lubricate skin and other tissues because of their hydrating characteristic. Besides, cucumbers are low in calories so they help to maintain healthy weight. So if you are hungry or feel snacking, cucumber is the best choice. Keep plenty of cucumber in the fridge and use them to prepare salads, smoothies and other dishes.

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